Our historic Vermont campus is a home away from home for students and faculty who gather twice a year to share, discuss, and be inspired.
Art on Campus
Check out current and past shows in the VCFA Exhibition Series, featured art around campus, and more. (At right: work by alumnx Corey Pickett and A_Marcel from Either I Woke Up, or Come Back to This Earth, winter/spring 2020.)
VCFA Store
Get books by VCFA alumnx and faculty, VCFA clothing and glassware, and much more at our online campus store.
Rent Our Facilities
Located just blocks from downtown Montpelier and less than three hours from Boston and Montreal, Vermont College of Fine Arts’ historic campus hosts hundreds of conferences, retreats, meetings, and special events each year.
Campus Map
Find your way around our campus with this printable map.
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and VCFA’s mission, every student with a documented disability has the right to equal access.
Health, Safety & Title IX
We want to ensure a safe, productive environment for all. Campus security officers, community safety personnel, and Title IX compliance policies all help as we work to achieve that goal.
Ghost of VCFA
Anna is VCFA’s oldest (and most paranormal) resident. Some say she’s been haunting College Hall since her untimely death in 1897. Café Anna, our on-campus eatery, keeps her name alive.