Reflection Prompt

We honor the advocacy, leadership, and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In his “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” Dr. King described the ways nonviolent direct action can establish creative tension, illustrating issues a community can no longer ignore. Grounded in our belief that “The arts are central to the human experience and have the ability to not only reflect reality but create it,” we ask our VCFA community to pause and reflect on Dr. King’s leadership, and the ways artistic expression contributes to the manifestation of creative tension to create a more equitable and inclusive world.

Submission Guidelines
  • Written Reflection: Max of 300 words, .doc or .pdf format
  • Video Submission: Max of 2 minutes, .mp4 or .mov format (Must be saved as a .zip file first!)
  • Audio Submission: Max of 2 minutes, .mp3 format (If your audio piece does not include lyrics, please also submit a brief written description of the piece.)
  • Visual/Graphic Submission: Submit image as a high-resolution .jpg or .png file, along with a short description of the piece as a separate document.
Terms of Use

We will review all submissions and consider them for inclusion on our social media accounts, on the website, and in other VCFA publications. Prior to submitting your reflection, please also review VCFA’s Internet Privacy Policy. At the bottom of the form, you will be asked to check the box labeled “I acknowledge the VCFA Privacy Policy.” By checking the box, you acknowledge that you give VCFA permission to use your submission in any and all related VCFA publications, that you understand how the submission may be used, and that you agree to VCFA’s Internet Privacy Policy.