
James H. Chae is a designer and educator based in Seoul, Korea. His work deals with the designer’s medial position in relation to consumerism, commercial image production, and global politics. He is an assistant professor at Hongik University and maintains an independent design practice that involves editorial and web design, in addition to self-initiated works. He co-produces the podcast Graphic Support Group, which turns an eye onto the psychological and emotional dimensions of design practice. Pudding Label is a publishing imprint he started to explore the intersection of design and music.

IG: @drchae »


DDes (in progress) | Seoul National University of Science & Technology, Graduate School of Nano IT Design Fusion

MFA – Graphic Design | RISD

Sereina Rothenberger

Faculty, MFA in Graphic Design

David Schatz

Faculty, MFA in Graphic Design

Anne West

Thesis Instructor, MFA in Graphic Design

James Chae

Faculty Chair, MFA in Graphic Design

Tasheka Arceneaux-Sutton

Faculty, MFA in Graphic Design

Ramón Tejada

Visiting Faculty, MFA in Graphic Design