Our Hunger Mountain Coop Reading Series is back with a new twist: prior to the start of the reading, students will offer the audience a writing prompt and time to create new work. After featured performances, the event turns into an open mic. So bring a notebook and your latest work to share! This event is free, open to the public, and will be held in the Coop’s Community Room (upstairs, above the store).

Please RSVP by emailing [email protected] or calling 802-262-3202.

Featured Readers:

Rebecca Jamieson’s writing has appeared in various publications, including Lion’s Roar, Calyx, and Stirring. Her chapbook of poetry, The Body of All Things, was published by Finishing Line Press in 2017. A longtime student of meditation, Rebecca teaches Mindful Writing classes locally and online. She is currently pursuing an MFA in Writing & Publishing from the Vermont College of Fine Arts.

Nicholas Howard is a native of North Attleboro, MA, a graduate of Stonehill College, and a current candidate for a MFA in the Writing & Publishing program at Vermont College of Fine Arts. He is working towards a thesis of original work composed of poetry, creative non-fiction, hybrid pieces, and possibly a craft essay. He reads creative non-fiction submissions for the literary journal Hunger Mountain. He has been published in print in Stonehill’s journal for student work, the Cairn, and in the College’s Alumnx Magazine. His words have appeared digitally on the website for the Warwick Beacon and the blog for the Flynn Center for Performing Arts in Burlington, VT. He enjoys performing his poetry at open mics and tries to live by the rule “listen more, waste less.”