
Joseph Bruchac holds a BA in English from Cornell University, an MA in Literature and Creative Writing from Syracuse, and a PhD in Comparative Literature from the Union Institute of Ohio. His work as an educator includes three years of volunteer teaching in Ghana, West Africa, and twelve years at Skidmore College, where he taught English and directed a college program for Skidmore inside a maximum-security prison.

Founder and Executive Director of the Greenfield Review Literary Center and the Greenfield Review Press, much of his own writing draws on his Abenaki Indian ancestry. He and his two grown sons, James and Jesse, who are also storytellers and writers, work together in projects involving the preservation of Native culture, Native language renewal, teaching traditional Native skills, and environmental education. A traditional storyteller and a tribally enrolled member of the Nulhegan Abenaki Nation, he is also the author of more than 170 books for adults and children, including the best-selling Keepers of the Earth series, which uses American Indian stories to teach science and has over a million copies in print.

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Oge Mora

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Kelly Starling Lyons

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Brian Lee Young

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M. T. Anderson

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