
Ann Burke Daly is an American intermedia artist. Her work has been published in ArtForum, ArtPress International, The Los Angeles Times, Cabinet Magazine, World Art Magazine, El Pais (El Periódico Global), and the Performing Arts Journal (PAJ). A special issue of Yale Alumni Magazine, “Extraordinary: 150 Years of Yale Women,” featured the artist in December 2020. In 2018 Daly was at Yaddo for an artist residency in visual arts, and in 2017 and 2016 she was in residency at MASS MoCA Studios. Daly was a visiting artist at The American Academy in Rome in 2015, where she began the trilogy Ghost Transmissions. In 2017 the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation sponsored her collaboration with Spanish DIY scene musician and writer Álvaro Marcos, through grant funding, to create a multi-channel sound and video artwork—Script: Franco is Still Dead (SFISD 14:15). SFISD was screened at a 2019 conference Half-Life: Obra Reciente Ann Burke Daly at UCLM in Cuenca, Spain. In 2016, Daly published two artist’s books with Roman Nvmerals Books of Brooklyn, NY, which launched at the ICP NYC. In 2019, she was a finalist for the Virginia Humanities Fellowship for Restless Language, Restlessly Yours.

Daly’s installations of video, sound, drawing, writing, photographs, film, and objects (found, made, and altered) address the vagaries of memory and perception using task-based performance and the repetition of quotidian action to create collections of evidence. Her works form a psychological engagement with the viewer, drawing a relationship to the spatio-temporal concerns of performance and conceptual artists of the ’60s and ’70s. Ann Burke Daly’s mise-en-scenes of trace evidence theatrically stage the “struggle to make sense” through a practice that mines the paradoxes of language and the unconscious. Daly is engaged with the uncanny afterlife of objects, photographs, narratives, and biographical snippets, inherited through material and verbal fragments, and of the act of recording—as if at a crime scene—what is absent and unseen, yet viscerally felt.

Daly has exhibited internationally including Uppsala KonstMuseum, George Eastman Museum, The Alternative Museum, Lombard-Freid Gallery, White Columns, Exit Art, Trial Balloon, Loeb Museum (NY), LAMAG (CA), and in the collective project “The Anthology of Art” at Centre Pompidou Paris, Museum fur Neue Kunst-ZKM and Berlin Akademie der Kunste. Daly has been honored with grants from Art Matters, Puffin Foundation, and the Kittredge Fund (Harvard). In 2002 she participated in a roundtable discussion published in Art Journal: “Francesca Woodman Reconsidered: A Conversation with George Baker, Ann Daly, Nancy Davenport, Laura Larson, and Margaret Sundell.” In 2001, the Kohler Arts-Industry Program selected Daly for a residency. She was a Visiting Assistant Professor at CUNY, the City University of New York (2013–2015) and faculty at Vassar College from 1990–1995. Daly was a 1993 Fellow of the Whitney Museum of American Art Independent Study Program (NY, NY) and earned an MFA in 1990 from the Yale School of Art (New Haven, CT). Born in 1961, New York artist Ann Burke Daly has spent several years in Madrid, Spain, and the Hudson Valley, New York. She has also lived and worked for over twenty-five years in Brooklyn, New York.

Photo: Artist Ann Burke Daly, Yaddo Studio 2018 (MCAronna/Daly)

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