Supported by a partnership between VCFA, the Vermont Department of Libraries, and Vermont Humanities, the Book Awards recognize outstanding literature by Vermont authors in the categories of Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Poetry, and Children’s Literature. Meet this year’s nominees and their incredible works here.

This year, VCFA alumnx and former VCFA Director of Recruitment Ann Dávila Cardinal (W ‘07) has been nominated for an award in the Fiction category for her novel The Storyteller’s Death. Published in October of 2022 with Sourcebooks, The Storyteller’s Death follows protagonist Isla Larsen Sanchez, a young woman navigating a life marked by family, death, and the power of stories. Prior to Cardinal’s nomination, VCFA interviewed Cardinal about the journey she took to publish The Storyteller’s Death—much of which intertwined with her time at VCFA. You can read that story here.

The winners in each category will be announced at the ceremony on May 6th, which will be hosted by Vermont Humanities. All are welcome to purchase a ticket to attend the upcoming celebration. VCFA is honored to host such an important event, and sends a warm congratulations to all of the nominees.

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