Event November 18, 2021

Writing Alumnx Virtual Reading Series

The virtual Writing Alumnx Reading Series continues this year with events on Thursday evenings once a month. In collaboration with a few MFA in Writing...
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Event November 18, 2021

VCFA Friendsgiving

As a way of expressing our appreciation, please join us for the second annual VCFA Friendsgiving: an exciting lineup of conversations, readings, performances, and screenings...
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Event November 16, 2021

WCYA Book Birthday Parties

With all book tours going remote last year, VCFA’s MFA in Writing for Children & Young Adults program began a series of celebrations, Book Birthday...
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Event November 16, 2021

The Center Presents: Warrior Women (screening)

The Center presents a screening of the award-winning film WARRIOR WOMEN on November 16, hosted by Brad Heck, Director of VCFA’s MFA in Film program,...
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Event November 6, 2021

VCFA at National Portfolio Day

VCFA is a member of the National Portfolio Day Association, which hosts Graduate National Portfolio Day events across the US in October and November. At...
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Event November 4, 2021

Kathi Appelt & Marion Dane Bauer: In Conversation

Join former WCYA faculty and renowned children’s book authors Kathi Appelt and Marion Dane Bauer as they sit down to discuss the writing life, reflections...
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Event November 2, 2021

MFA in Writing Faculty Presentation Series

The MFA in Writing program is offering a series of faculty presentations this summer/fall. All events begin at 7:30 pm ET and are free, but...
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Event October 28, 2021

HAM ON RYE: Screening & Q+A

As part of its fall 2021 residency, the MFA in Film program will present a public screening of HAM ON RYE, directed by visiting filmmaker...
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Event October 27, 2021


As part of its fall 2021 residency, the MFA in Film program will present a public screening of ANGELS ARE MADE OF LIGHT, directed by...
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Event October 26, 2021


As part of its fall 2021 residency, the MFA in Film program will present a public screening of DID YOU WONDER WHO FIRED THE GUN?,...
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