Event November 9, 2023

Graphic Design Alumnx Talk

Join the MFA in Graphic Design program for our upcoming Alumnx Talk featuring Ray Masaki (GD ‘23), Robyn Lindquist (GD ‘22), and Segun Olude (GD...
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Event November 7, 2023

Writing Faculty Fall Readings

Join us this fall for faculty readings. This event is a great way to get to know our faculty better as writers. Each reader will...
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Event November 2, 2023

Deep Dive into Publishing: Great Day Jobs in Publishing

What do you need to do to get into publishing on the inside—as an editor, agent, or other publishing professional and what are those jobs...
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Event October 26, 2023

Project 101: What’s it like from start to finish?

Trudy Chan, MFA in Music Composition Residency Faculty, will share insights on how to build a project, including idea development, contractual needs, and all the...
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Event October 21, 2023

VCFA at National Portfolio Day!

VCFA is a member of the National Portfolio Day Association, which hosts Graduate National Portfolio Day events across the US in October and November. At...
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Event October 19, 2023

Writing Alumnx Virtual Reading Series

The virtual Writing Alumnx Reading Series continues this fall with events on Thursday evenings once a month via Zoom. In collaboration with a collection of...
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Event October 18, 2023

WCYA Book Birthday Parties

With all book tours going remote in 2020, VCFA’s MFA in Writing for Children & Young Adults program began our Book Birthday Parties, a virtual...
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Event October 15, 2023

VCFA at National Portfolio Day!

VCFA is a member of the National Portfolio Day Association, which hosts Graduate National Portfolio Day events across the US in October and November. At...
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Event October 3, 2023

Writing Faculty Fall Readings

Join us this fall for faculty readings. This event is a great way to get to know our faculty better as writers. Each reader will...
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Event September 30, 2023

VCFA at National Portfolio Day!

VCFA is a member of the National Portfolio Day Association, which hosts Graduate National Portfolio Day events across the US in October and November. At...
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