Gratitude and Intent

We are deeply grateful to you, our alumnx and faculty, for your willingness to share your expertise with the world through our newly developed VCFA Learning Hub.

We believe helping artists at all levels and at any stage of their artistic journey who are searching the internet for solutions will help them and, potentially, VCFA. By helping them solve some problems, get answers to nagging questions, and in general making their life a little better as they search will help them begin to know, like, and trust VCFA–and our vibrant, engaged community–so that should they ever want to get an MFA, we’ll have already begun building the foundations for a solid future relationship.

The purpose of these articles is not to directly “sell” VCFA, but to help people solve problems via the expertise and experience you will share in your article. And, as an added benefit, we feel that publishing your article through VCFA channels will also help your individual artist brand, and we are always excited to help share and amplify the valuable messages our faculty and alumnx have to offer the world-wide artistic community.


Article Format

Please take a look at this Sharable Basic Article Framework and watch this  2:26 minute video  explaining the basic framework we’d like you to follow as you develop your article. You can reach out to Scott Price with any questions at [email protected] or 802 828 7073.

Please note that adding links to reputable sources that support your article content, citing statistics, and adding applicable meaningful quotes in support of your points are all proven techniques to improve the discoverability and keyword ranking of your article. 

We want to help you demonstrate your expertise, experience, authority, and trustfulness, all key factors in search engine optimization.

And thorough, human-written content is proving most effective in today’s search environment, despite the recent move towards AI-generated content.


Editorial Process

After you upload your article, you will be assigned a VCFA staff editor who will work with you to maximize the potential reach of your article, but know that you always have the final say in what gets published.



Vermont College of Fine Arts is excited to work with you on developing article content for the VCFA Learning Hub as a Freelance Writer. The college is honored to collaborate with members of our community in such an involved and vital capacity. 

As a Freelance Writer on this project, you consent to the following:

  • An enriching and informed editorial process with assigned VCFA staff members 
  • The inclusion of your name, short bio, a link to your website, and VCFA affiliation (ie. job title, grad year, program, etc.) as a public byline on your published article
  • The digital distribution of your article by VCFA through means such as publication on and distribution through VCFA’s media channels such as (but not limited to) our email communications, email newsletters, social media channels, donor communications, advertising, etc. 

As a Freelance Writer on this project, you acknowledge that: 

  • VCFA is the publisher and owner of this content upon digital publication 
  • A VCFA SEO expert may edit and update the content of your article—with your approval—at any time after the article’s initial publication for the needs of evolving SEO effectiveness. This may include updates such as (but not limited to) reducing or expanding content; adding new keywords, data, links, quotes, and credible resources; including new media such as photos, videos, and graphics; etc. 
  • Compensation for the writing and editing of this article cannot currently be monetary in nature, but rather through publicity and promotion  
  • VCFA has the permission to potentially repurpose content from your article into other forms, such as social media graphics and post, infographic, admissions materials

We gratefully look forward to working with you on developing article content for the VCFA Learning Hub. Thank you so much for your time, contribution, and collaboration.