
Leslie Ullman is the author of six poetry collections, most recently Little Soul and the Selves (3:A Taos Press), with a seventh collection titled Unruly Tree (University of New Mexico Press) due out in the fall of 2024. She also is the author of a hybrid book of craft essays and writing exercises titled Library of Small Happiness (3: A Taos Press, 2017), many of whose essays began as lectures given at VCFA.

Leslie’s third book, Slow Work Through Sand, won the 1998 Iowa Poetry Prize (University of Iowa Press), and her first collection, Natural Histories, won the Yale Series of Younger Poets Award in 1979 (Yale University Press). Her second collection, Dreams by No One’s Daughter, was published by University of Pittsburgh Press. She also is the recipient of two NEA Fellowships.

Her poems and reviews have appeared in numerous journals, including Poetry, The New Yorker, Prairie Schooner, Poetry East, Crab Orchard Review, and The Kenyon Review. Some of the craft lectures she has given in the Vermont program have been published in The Writer’s Chronicle and Numero Cinq. Now Professor Emerita at the University of Texas-El Paso, where she taught for 27 years and established the Bilingual MFA Program, she has continued to teach on the faculty at Vermont College of Fine Arts, where she was hired in 1981. She also does freelance manuscript consultations and has taught skiing at Taos Ski Valley in northern New Mexico.



MFA - Poetry | University of Iowa Writers Workshop

BA - English | Skidmore

Selected work

David Wojahn

Faculty, MFA in Writing [poetry]; Postgraduate Writers' Conference

Clifford Thompson

Faculty, MFA in Writing [CNF/ hybrid forms]; Postgraduate Writers' Conference

Bret Lott

Faculty, MFA in Writing [fiction/CNF]

Patrick Madden

Faculty, MFA in Writing [CNF/hybrid forms]

Leslie Ullman

Faculty, MFA in Writing [poetry]

Nance Van Winckel

Faculty, MFA in Writing [fiction/poetry]