
John Mallia lives and works in Boston where he has been Director of the Electronic Music Studio and a member of the Composition faculty at New England Conservatory since 2005. His primary interests include composing and teaching electroacoustic, acousmatic, and live electronic music, as well as multimedia installation and chamber music with an electronic component. He enjoys working with students in all of these areas, and is open to diverse genres of electronic music and sonic art.

Much of Mallia’s work is informed, in various ways, by constructs and concepts involving real and implied physical spaces. This trait is evident in his installation and acousmatic work incorporating multichannel loudspeaker arrays, and also in the blending of electroacoustic sound objects with acoustic instruments via real-time processing in performance settings.

Mallia enjoys collaborating with visual artists, and has realized several multimedia works, including a recent collaboration with new media artist Denise Marika. Mallia’s compositions have been performed internationally by organizations such as Musicacoustica (Beijing, China), Ensemble N_JP (Japan/US), L.A. Freewaves (California), Gaudeamus (The Netherlands), New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival (NYCEMF), International Computer Music Association, Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States, Zeppelin Festival of Sound Art (Barcelona, Spain), Festival Synthèse (IMEB, Bourges, France), Interensemble’s Computer Arts Festival (Padova, Italy), Society for New Music (New York), CyberArts, and Medi@terra`s Travelling Mikromuseum (Greece, Bulgaria, Germany, Slovenia).

Mallia was a Visiting Assistant Professor at the Center for Experimental Music and Intermedia (CEMI) at the University of North Texas (2004-5), and has also taught electroacoustic music and sound art at Franklin Pierce College, Northeastern University, the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, College of the Holy Cross, Clark University, and Brandeis University.

To listen to more of John Mallia’s music, visit his sound gallery.


PhD - Music Composition/Theory | Brandeis University

MM - Composition | New England Conservatory of Music

BM - Composition | Syracuse University

Selected work

Carla Kihlstedt

Co-Chair, Core Faculty, MFA in Music Composition

Lisa Mezzacappa

Core Faculty, MFA in Music Composition

Michael Early

Core Faculty, MFA in Music Composition

Ravi Krishnaswami

Faculty, MFA in Music Composition

Andy Jaffe

Core Faculty, MFA in Music Composition

Frank J. Oteri

Residency Faculty, MFA in Music Composition