Writer-in-Residence Lecture: Veera Hiranandani
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm EDT
- This event has passed.

Writer-in-Residence Veera Hiranandani will present a lecture titled “You Can Go Home Again: Investigating the idea of home and identity can add depth to your characters” on Monday, July 11, from 4:30–5:30 pm ET as part of the MFA in Writing for Children & Young Adults program’s summer residency:
“What is your main character’s relationship to home? When we create a setting for our characters, this brings with it the idea of home. Following that, the idea of home intersects with the concept of identity. How would your characters define home, and how does it connect with the setting of the story? Often, story is found in the spaces of where we began, where we are, and where we hope to be. Investigating this can be a key to understanding your character’s identity and add depth to your characterization.”
This livestreamed lecture is free and open to the public. Click on the link below to watch live!