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An MFA in Writing Faculty Event featuring Hasanthika Sirisena

Get an MFA. Find an agent. Land a six-figure book deal. Quit the day job. This is the trajectory that many writers imagine for themselves. The truth, though, is that while this trajectory isn’t out of the question, eventually, there are several alternative possibilities that help build a rewarding, and successful career. One of these paths is submitting to book contests—contests that offer the winners publication of a book-length work.

I have submitted to book contests and served as a judge (for the Flannery O’Connor Award for Short Fiction). This presentation will explore putting together a competitive manuscript, what to expect from the process, the experiences of writers who serve as judges, some prestigious and selective prizes, and finally what happens when you win the prize.

Join us on Apirl 23 at 8PM EST/5PM PST.


April 23
8:00 pm – 9:00 pm EDT
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