NYFA Workshops

In partnership with NYFA, VCFA will be offering a series of webinars created specifically for VCFA artists focused on developing new skills and securing professional opportunities.

April 12, 2022 | Navigating the Arts

Pathways to Working with Galleries, Festivals & Institutions

Tuesday, April 12, 2022
5–7 pm ET

This online panel discussion will offer inside perspectives on how to approach and procure opportunities to further the art careers of VCFA alumnx. Utilizing a multidisciplinary approach, attendees will hear directly from distinguished arts professionals representing the fields of visual arts, film, music composition, and graphic design. Moderated by NYFA staff, the conversation will include a dynamic discussion comparing and contrasting the ways in which artists can engage gatekeepers across various corners of the art world. The panelists will provide insight into ongoing opportunities and entry points into collaboration at their respective institutions and beyond. The workshop will provide opportunities for participants to ask questions, as well as dive deeper into their discipline through breakout room sessions.


This panel discussion will feature:

  • Jennie Armon, Executive Producer and Music Supervisor, Found Objects Music Productions
  • Hayley Ferber, Deputy Director at Chashama
  • Kevin Chao, Partner and Creative Director, For Good Measure Studio; Adjunct Professor, Kean University
  • Matthew Seig, Film and Media Specialist, New York Foundation for the Arts

Moderator: Kelly Olshan, NYFA Learning Program Officer in Career Advice and Training

May 3, 2022 | Building Your Grantwriting Toolkit

Tuesday, May 3, 2022
5–7 pm ET

This online workshop for VCFA alumnx and constituents will help attendees build fundamental skills in grant proposal writing, whether participants are just getting started with grants or looking to bolster their existing skill sets. By focusing on key vocabulary, common elements of a proposal, and strategies for determining funder suitability, artists will leave this workshop empowered with the skills they need to effectively communicate their projects to funders.

Registration details coming soon!

Creative Capital Workshops

On an ongoing basis we will be sponsoring event registrations for VCFA artists to attend a range of existing workshops offered by Creative Capital. Check out some upcoming workshops below.

April 27, 2022 | Public Art: From Proposal to Installation

Wednesday, April 27, 2022
7–8:30 pm ET

NYC Commissioner for Public Design and Creative Capital artist Kenseth Armstead will guide artists through the process of developing site-specific public art projects. Participants will gain insight into the relationships necessary for successful public art projects, including community outreach and partnerships; presenting to boards and in public hearings; and working with fabricators, engineers and architects. Artists will learn how to strengthen their concept development and proposal structure, and will be provided resources for finding temporary and permanent public art opportunities. This workshop is tailored to serve artists new to public art as well as public artists looking to grow their practice.

May 4, 2022 | Social Media for Social Practice Artists

Wednesday, May 4, 2022
7–8:30 pm ET

This workshop delves into how change-making socially-engaged artists can increase their impact on social media by using organic content to convey their message, build awareness, connect with allies and partners, and track trends and coverage. Using examples from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and looking at posts from artists around the globe, Robin Cembalest will offer tactics for profiles, campaigns, content, hashtags, and more. All registrants will receive a recording of the workshop and workshop resources.

Previous workshops offered by Creative Capital have covered a range of topics, including: financial literacy for artists, marketing and communications, relationships and resources, and others. Visit Creative Capital’s Education and Workshops for more information on their upcoming offerings.

Arts Marketing Resource Packet

NYFA presents this complimentary resource packet of programmatic and written resources detailing how artists can tell the story of their creative practice by developing a strong artist statement as well as tap into marketing tools to engage and grow their audience.


Coming soon on the Alumnx Commons!