MFA in Film

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We launched the MFA in Film in 2013, in response to a changing film industry and the need for artists to revolutionize the ways motion pictures are created and experienced.

The mentors will meet you at whatever part of your filmmaking journey you're at.
Maryam Fatima "Ara" Chawdhury | Film '23

Program Work

Our award-winning students, faculty, and alumnx push boundaries, break new ground and further cultural conversation with their work. Prepare to be inspired.

Explore the work

I grew enormously as a filmmaker at VCFA. The residencies are intense in the best way. Between the faculty and guest artists, the amount of expertise assembled during those weeks is incredible.

Jeff Bemiss | 2019

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Our Admissions team is ready to help you begin your journey! Connect with us at our [email protected]  to get started or click the link below to get started.